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Hello, and welcome to the Voices website!

Here you'll find info about piano-playing, reading music, singing, theory, and composition/songwriting. Whether piano is your instrument of choice or not, the content here aims to help you —and coach—on the subject of harmony and writing music and songs, and in other areas of music.

The Learning section of this website talks about about how to learn, as well as some of your options for what learning path to take.

The following two sections in the main menu contain reference and refresher material for a course of study in music. Beginning with no assumptions about your prior knowledge or experience with music, those sections define the Elements of music, building up to intervals and chords and, ultimately, Harmony. And in the My music section you'll find some short samples of my compositions and songs.



P.S. About me. Being a CS grad, I've been in the software industry for most of my career (you can see some of my software on this site), but also always with a strong passion for music, singing, and writing (Penguin Books published one of my novels in 1992). For Microsoft (since 2002), I've been a consultant, designed software features, and helped show customers how to program Windows. I emigrated to the US (from England) in 2005. I'm now a naturalized citizen. I live in Redmond, WA.