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Static screen-caps of the Silverlight interactive content

Frequency, and octaves

The simplest frequency ratio is 1:2 and it is the ratio between a tone and the tone an octave higher.


The tone helix and the tone clock

Here is the same frequency spectrum shown above, except this time it has been coiled into a 3D helix of repeating octaves where each octave is a clock of twelve discrete tones.

the tone helix...

Here's a sequence of frames as the tone helix flattens down into a single, representative, octave known as the tone clock.

...morphing into the tone clock...

...morphing into the tone clock...

the tone clock

Scales and keyboard

This content is about auditioning scales. In the Silverlight version, the keyboard is interactive: you can click or tap to play tones, or use your computer keyboard to play tones and chords.

scales and keyboard